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DMP versioning information

1. Version number.

Asked by

[H2020, HorizonEurope]

Example answers


Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 Versioning information Version number
HorizonEurope na DMP version
ScienceEurope Administrative information Provide information such as name of applicant, project number, funding programme, version of DMP.

2. Changes in this version.

Asked by



Describe the changes made in this DMP version compared to the previous one.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 Versioning information Description
ScienceEurope na na

3. Completion date of first version.

Asked by



When was the first version of the DMP completed?

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 Versioning information Date of the version
ScienceEurope na na

4. Date of the last update.

Asked by

[H2020, HorizonEurope]

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 Versioning information Date of last update
HorizonEurope na Date
ScienceEurope na na