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1. Indicate whether other national/funder/sectorial/departmental procedures for data management are used.

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[H2020, HorizonEurope]

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 Other indicates whether other national/funder/sectorial/departmental procedures for data management are used
HorizonEurope Other issues Do you, or will you, make use of other national/funder/sectorial/departmental procedures for data management? If yes, which ones (please list and briefly describe them)?
ScienceEurope na na

2. If some of the questions in this DMP can be applied to other research outputs, such as physical materials, step-by-step protocols and software, specify here how these other outputs will be managed, shared and made available for reuse during and after the project.

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Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO na na
BELSPO na na
ERC na na
H2020 na na
HorizonEurope Other research output In addition to the management of data, beneficiaries should also consider and plan for the management of other research outputs that may be generated or re-used throughout their projects. Such outputs can be either digital (e.g. software, workflows, protocols, models, etc.) or physical (e.g. new materials, antibodies, reagents, samples, etc.). Beneficiaries should consider which of the questions pertaining to FAIR data above, can apply to the management of other research outputs, and should strive to provide sufficient detail on how their research outputs will be managed and shared, or made available for re-use, in line with the FAIR principles.
ScienceEurope na na